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Five Tips for Creating a Successful Antique Booth

I am pretty sure that I have mentioned in a previous post that I have a retail space at a local antique mall. I have been at the Vintage Mercantile now for three years, and before that, another mall for one year. I love retail, and always have, so when my youngest child left for college, it was not surprising that I found a "honey hole", where I could create a space to sell things that I love. While I sell lots of antiques and painted furniture, I also go to market and buy home accessories and gifts.

When people find out that I have an antique booth they usually ask if it is a profitable business and what tips do I have to make it a success. I recently added an additional space at Main Street Mall. With two booths, I have been working a lot, so I thought this would be a good time to share my personal top five helpful hints to a successful antique booth.

Create a Cohesive Look and Brand

Your space should sell an overall look. Within that look, style your merchandise so that it tells a story. Each story should have a common denominator like color, theme, or scale. Stay on brand. If your merchandise is primarily antiques and home decor, don't add something that isn't a good fit for your overall look just because it's an antique.

The common denominator in this display is obviously birds.

This display is more color driven as I grouped different merchandise that is primarily red, white, and green.

Varying Price Points

I can not express enough how important it is to offer a broad range of price points for two reasons; Number one, you want every shopper to feel like they can find something in your booth that they can afford and number two, there are months that the high ticket items just don't sell. I have $5 smalls and $500 pieces of furniture, and every price in between. The smalls carry you in the months that large pieces aren't selling. Along with pricing, make sure every item is tagged, regardless of how small.

This china cabinet is priced at $250, the cheese board is $10, tea towels $11, chair $68, and picture $22.

Location, Location, Location

Not every antique mall is created equally. Before you commit to a space, make sure it is a place that complements your brand and represents your taste. If you are selling mainly antique furniture and home decor, you probably don't want to be in a mall that is selling antique guns and war memorabilia.

Market On Social Media

Big pieces of furniture that are in my booths are also listed on FB Marketplace. Posting on FB and Instagram are great ways to create interest and excitement. Furniture makeovers are great content for stories, and can often lead to someone wanting to purchase the piece. Along with price, include the dimensions, and the location of the mall along with their operating hours. It's free advertising!

Work Your Booth Weekly

While you don't have to bring new merchandise in weekly, rearranging weekly is key. Moving merchandise around gives it a fresh look, which makes people think the items are new, or it gives them an additional option to incorporate that item into their home. I call it fluffing. I create a new look every week in each booth. Is it work? Absolutely! But it's so worth it.

If you have a booth or are considering getting one, I hope you have found this post helpful. Regardless, I hope you have enjoyed seeing a little bit of the mix that I have in my two booths, which are located at The Vintage Mercantile and Main Street Mall in downtown Denison, Texas. Thank you for checking in and I hope you will visit my site again soon!



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